Can Schnauzers Eat Strawberries?

can schnauzers eat strawberries

Dogs are loyal, friendly, and make great companions.Nobody knows this better than someone who owns a Schnauzer. But Schnauzer lovers sometimes wonder what they should do if they want to give their dog a special treat – something like…

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Schnauzer Bumps – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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Schnauzer bumps are a common health issue among Schnauzers. These blackhead-like bumps on the skin can be itchy, painful, and sometimes embarrassing for your dog (and you). Many Schnauzers never develop Schnauzer bumps. In other dogs, the condition sometimes becomes…

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Can Schnauzers Eat Watermelon?

Can Schnauzers eat watermelon

If you’ve ever wondered can Schnauzers eat watermelon, the answer is yes, they most certainly can! Watermelon is a safe and healthy treat for Miniature, Standard and Giant Schnauzers. We think it’s best to feed this sweet treat to…

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Can Schnauzers Eat Bananas?

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If you’ve ever asked, “Can schnauzers eat bananas?” the answer is yes. Bananas are a good source of nutrients, especially B vitamins, Vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber and manganese. Bananas are also a potent source of dietary sugars, so it’s…

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Why Do Miniature Schnauzers Dig?

iDig: The First Ever Digging Toy From iFetch

Why do Miniature Schnauzers dig? While not every Schnauzer loves to dig, the desire to dig is most often instinctive behavior that reflects the breed’s origins as a ratter and vermin hunter. Remember, your Miniature Schnauzer is closely related to the…

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How To Choose A Dog Bed For Your Schnauzer

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Learn about three important factors to consider when deciding how to choose a dog bed for your Remember, whether you’re a human or a Schnauzer, there’s nothing like a bed of your own! Three Important Things to Consider When…

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Why Are Giant Schnauzers Good Guard Dogs?

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The Giant Schnauzer’s reputation as a good guard dog has its roots in the breed’s World War I duty profile, says guest author Michael Read Russell’s article for an answer to the question “Why are Giant Schnauzers good guard…

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