How To Stop A Miniature Schnauzer From Barking

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It’s not uncommon to wonder how to stop a Miniature Schnauzer from barking. While they may be on the small side, the Mini is rightly regarded as opinionated, especially when still a puppy. Read on for tips on how to stop a Miniature Schnauzer from barking unnecessarily.

How to Stop Your Miniature Schnauzer Puppy Barking Unnecessarily
By Valerie Joy Smith

lexie on moms kneeIs your Miniature Schnauzer giving you grief by his continual barking?

As we all know, dogs will bark and Miniature Schnauzers are no exception. Your Miniature Schnauzer sees it as his responsibility to let you know what’s going on in his world and of course, that includes your world as well. After all, he is behaving in the way he believes he should and he will do so until you help him to understand that certain noises and activities are acceptable and he need not be concerned.

Then of course there is the fact that a puppy’s predominant way of communication is by barking so we must expect that he will bark at times. There is a need to be patient with your Mini Schnauzer while he is young and train him so that he understands when barking is acceptable or not acceptable.

Your Miniature Schnauzer is a feisty and faithful puppy that will, by nature, alert you to anyone entering your property be it a stranger, friend or family member. He is always overjoyed to welcome you home and will greet you by barking. With careful training his barking will be spontaneous and brief.

What to do when Puppy Barks at Friends

When friends who your puppy has come to know visit your home, your Miniature Schnauzer will be alert and welcoming with his barking. It is important that you take control of his enthusiastic welcoming by training your Miniature Schnauzer to stay and sit so that he is not jumping up at your visitors and causing them to feel uncomfortable.

Make sure you have a treat on hand that you can give your Miniature Schnauzer to reward him when he responds well to your commands. Be sure that you do not reward him until he does respond with good behaviour. It is really important that you don’t cause him confusion by treating him before he has followed your instruction correctly

With perseverance, and as he matures, he will learn to accept visitors and forget about the reward. In the meantime it is essential to reward him immediately upon his correct response. Consistency in training methods is of vital importance while your puppy is learning obedience.

What to Do When Puppy Barks at Strangers

Dealing with your Miniature Schnauzer’s barking when he is around strangers is a different matter that requires careful management on your part. You need to be more assertive with your commands on these occasions to ensure that his barking doesn’t lead to biting. Decide on a particular one-syllable word to use when he barks at strangers such as ‘No’ or ‘Stop’ and when he quietens and sits, reward him with a treat. Again, persistence and perseverance will prevail.

Become Alert to What Causes Your Miniature Schnauzer Puppy to Bark

At times your Miniature Schnauzer may become anxious or nervous for reasons that you may find difficult to identify at first. My daughter and her family have a Schnauzer who becomes extremely distressed when the weather is stormy and the wind rages around the outside of the house. This is often a concern due to the fact that the city in which they live is renowned for its windy weather. So the upside for Zico is that in times of stormy weather he gets extra love, cuddles and attention; a very lucky puppy who is dearly loved at all times.

So in the event of your Miniature Schnauzer showing signs of distress by continual barking and not responding to your commands, do stop and listen for any sounds or disturbances that may be upsetting him. Remember that dogs are sensitive to noises that sometimes we humans can’t hear or distinguish. Much patience and understanding is required at times to calm these wonderful canine creatures.

Avoid Your Puppy Becoming Bored

Lack of activity can lead to boredom and may be a cause for your Miniature Schnauzer to bark constantly. You can easily remedy boredom by taking your puppy for a walk or have him play with a ball, or other suitable toy, outside in your garden providing you have a fenced area where he will be safe.

It is of great importance to control your Miniature Schnauzer’s barking so that he is not causing a disturbance in your neighbourhood.

As the owner of a beloved puppy, it is our responsibility to be alert to the traits of his breed, to learn about his strengths and weaknesses and take the necessary time to train him to be the best behaved puppy one could possibly own.

I am a lover of animals; dogs in particular. I believe that animals are intelligent to a level that some do not recognise. Like all things in life, one has to experience the happening to truly understand the underlying facts. There have been several dogs in our family over the years and still today, we have a beloved schnauzer. He is a treasure and I have learnt so much from him over the past four years since he joined our family as a tiny puppy. There are so many stories to tell about the canine members of our family, past and present.

For further tips on training and in-depth articles I recommend that you click on this link Miniature Schnauzer Training where you will find a wealth of information and helpful hints on how to stop your puppy from biting.

Valerie Joy Smith
[email protected]

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