9 Fun Ways To Enjoy Time With Your Schnauzer And Get In Shape Together!

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Ever notice that an out-of-shape dog often comes with an out-of-shape owner? Schnauzers and their owners aren’t any different. We both need daily exercise to stay fit and healthy.

Sure, there are ways to exercise your Schnauzer while still being lazy yourself. But doesn’t it make more sense to find some fun ways to enjoy time with your Schnauzer and get in shape together?

9 fun ways to enjoy your schnauzer and get fit together
(c) Can Stock Photo / budabar

After all, our dogs don’t ask much of us. Yet they provide so much fun, loyalty and companionship in return. So, it’s time to return the favor. Put down the remote, step away from Netflix and exercise your four-legged friend!

Here are 9 fun ways to enjoy time with your Schnauzer and get in shape together:

1. Swimming. Most dogs are natural swimmers, or can become one with a little training. Schnauzers are no exception. Be warned: swimming does make you feel like you’ve been running through a sprinkler on a hot day! So you may not even notice that it improves cardiovascular health and stamina in both you and your dog.

Remember, a good swim is also a great bonding opportunity for you and your dog. If your Schnauzer is still an inexperienced swimmer, be ready to help your dog get out of the pool. And if your dog is a novice swimmer and needs a little help staying afloat, try adding a life jacket or buoyancy belt.

2. Hiking. Schnauzers love to go for walks, but they love to hike even more. The variety of terrain and smells is more interesting, and they get to run free, exploring new places. The natural surface of a forest path or lakeside trail is much easier on their paws than pavement. And hiking is an awesome way to burn calories – like our next activity!

3. Obedience and agility training. Dogs learn obedience by following the commands of their owners. This teaches dog and owner to work together as a team. Obedience classes further these goals along with the benefits of some light-to-moderate exercise. Agility training is more demanding training for you and your Schnauzer. It combines running, jumping, obstacle courses, and other fun activities.

4. Rollerblading. This is one of my wife’s favorite activities. She loves rollerblading with our Miniature and Standard Schnauzer. Rollerblading doesn’t burn as many calories as some other activities like running. But it still works your cardiovascular system. It’s a great way to pick up the pace, which your Schnauzer will love, without being too hard on your dog or yourself.

5. Biking. Another of my family’s favorites, biking (or bike pacing) is a great activity for us and the dogs. They wear a leash and trot alongside the bike as we ride. We bike on a nearby bike trail or sometimes a sidewalk that winds its way through our sub. It’s an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise that burns calories fast. Bike pacing takes practice to develop coordination between you and your dog. But it’s one of the best ways to spend time with your Schnauzer and get in shape.

6. Walking. This old standby has been around for a long time. But it’s still a great way to spend time with your Schnauzer. Every day, take a walk together and make it a little longer each time you walk. Try building up to several shorter walks of 10-15 minutes and a longer walk of about 30 minutes each day. The longer the walk, the more you’ll burn calories!

7. Playing fetch. Whether it’s a round of Frisbee or a good game of catch, fetch is a great way to get exercise and keep your dog fit. Try mixing it up a bit by throwing a ball and then running after it, too! You’ll never win this man-vs-dog contest, but that doesn’t matter. It’s still good exercise for both of you. Rinse and repeat to your Schnauzer’s delight or until you discover who gives up first!

8. Trail running. Think of trail running as hiking, but faster. Your Schnauzer can trot along behind you or even get out ahead and run for a few minutes. At a brisk pace, this is an excellent way to stay in shape and keep your Schnauzer happy! A trail run gives your Schnauzer a chance to explore a new, exciting environment. He may dig holes and engage in some other typical Schnauzer mischief. He may sit quietly with you between periods of activity and get used to what the wilderness offers you both. Either way, it’s a win-win.

9. Camping. We’ve included camping because it goes along so well with some of the other activities on our list. It’s hard to go camping and not go swimming, hiking, trail running, biking or take a good old run-of-the-mill walk.

Most Schnauzers love to camp. Whether you’re camping in a tent or an RV, you’ll want to get your Schnauzer outside for exercise. It’s easy to share a bit of the outdoors with your dog and get in some exercise for yourself as well!

This is the great outdoors, so remember to keep your Schnauzer up-to-date on shots. Flea, tick, and heartworm protection are also a must. Research campsites for special requirements or restrictions before hitting the open road.


There you have it, our list of 9 fun ways to spend time with your Schnauzer and get in shape together. You’ll want to repeat these activities as often as you can. Remember to try out some of your own ideas, too! Your Schnauzer will love you for it, and you’ll both be getting fit together!